
School Days - Achievement


Area schools win awards at the Louisiana State Fair. Note Blanchard, Dixie, and Gilliam competed in the two-teacher school category; while Ida, Mira, and Oil City were three-teacher schools.

Blanchard - First Place, Best Map Of Louisiana; Second Place, Best Specimen in Penmanship; Second Place, Best Composition On Resources Of Home Community

Dixie -  First Place, Best Specimen in Penmanship; First Place, Best General Display In Pupil's Work; First Place, Best Parish Map; First Place, Best Composition On Resources Of Home Community

Gilliam - Second Place, Best Parish Map

Ida - Second Place, Best Specimen Of Penmanship

Oil City -First Place, Best Piece Of Manual Training Work; Second Place, Best General Exhibit For Three Teacher School

Mira - Second Place, Best Composition Of Resources And Industries Of Home Parish


A working oil well model built by students from the Boy's High School of Oil City is listed among the inventory of Louisiana State Museum artifacts per a 1918 curator's report.


Oil City High School receives membership in the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, the organization that accredits schools in recognition of meeting certain academic standards.


Mary Belle White (pictured lower left) finished second in the state-wide spelling bee.

Source: New Orleans Times Picayune 27-Mar-1932, Page 12

Her father, druggist Elzie H. White was an appointee to the state pharmacy board by Governor Huey Pierce Long.


Holman Hayes Dillard appointed state-wide chairman of department of high school PTA associations.

New Orleans Times Picayune 27-Oct-1935, Page 43 (Section 3, Page 8)


Oil City band receives "very good" rating at the Louisiana State Band Festival held in Shreveport.

Source: New Orleans Times Picayune 22-Apr-1939, Page 2

Virginia Crawford selected to attend 4-H National Congress in Chicago.

Source: Baton Rouge Morning Advocate 02-Dec-1939, Page 9-A


Oil  City High School senior Dorothy Warren, daughter of Herbert and Maggie Smith Warren is selected by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) to represent Louisiana at the national Good Citizenship pilgrimage held in Washington, DC. Among other honors included being received at the governor's mansion by Mrs. Sam Jones. While on her five-day trip to Washington, she was to have toured the White House.

From Mrs. Warren's School History

Source: Baton Rouge Morning Advocate 08-Feb-1942, Page 28 (12-B)

Later that spring, the OCHS band scores a "very good" for concert and sight reading at a state music festival held in Baton Rouge.

Source: Baton Rouge Morning Advocate, 19-Apr-1942, Page 21 (5-B)

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