1932 Oil City High Graduating Class

Announcement of upcoming graduation exercises for seventh graders and high school seniors.

Shreveport Times 22-May-1932, Page 22

The graduation invitation:

Source: Ridge Collection

Twenty-three students graduated in the Oil City High School graduating class of 1932.

Shreveport Times 2-May-1932, Page 11

Julia Woodroof was recognized as valedictorian, while Lonnie Hardy was salutatorian. Both gave speeches. Also recognized was seventh grader Mary Bell White who, along with Julia, was cited for her examination paper on American History.

Lonnie Hardy as a sophomore at
Louisiana State University
1937 LSU Gumbo (yearbook)

Earlier that year, Mary Bell placed second in the Louisiana state spelling bee.

New Orleans Times-Picayune 27-Mar-1932, Page 12

Class sponsor Mary Ruth Sexton (Johns) as a Louisiana State Normal School (now Northwestern State University) student.

1927 LSN Potpourri (yearbook)

Principal Roy Evans

1940 Byrd (Shreveport) High Gusher (yearbook)

For information about Miss Sexton and Mr. Evans, see School Days - Teachers.


Julia Elizabeth Woodroof Reeves (1914-1999) attended Meadows-Draughon Business College in Shreveport after high school and was eventually employed by Bayou State Oil Company, where she worked in various capacities over a 50 year career. Her husband, Vonda Norval Reeves (1914-1972) had also been an Oil City student and Bayou State employee.

Once featured in the Shreveport Times, as a reward for many years of service, upon retirement her company gave Julia a trip to England.

Times 03-Feb-1985, Page 2-E

Lonnie Gersin Hardy (1915-1980) attended LSU and received his law degree from Tulane University. During World War II he rose to the rank of captain in the U. S. Army. Afterward, he practiced law and additionally operated both an insurance business and automobile dealership in nearby Vivian, LA. (Source: obituary)

Lonnie G. Hardy in later life

After receiving degrees from LSN and LSU, Mary Bell White Belaire (1920-1996) spent many years in the field of education - both as a teacher and administrator.  

Baton Rouge Morning Advocate 16-Mar-1969, Page 3-E

Read more about her in A Little Spelling Bee Champ.

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